@extends('Layouts.serviceDetailLayout') @section('content')

Terms of Use, Privacy & Legal Policy

Use of Website/Choice

The use of XL Africa Group Limited (hereinafter referred to as “XL”) website is by the choice of the user, as such, the user accepts the terms and conditions of its use.

Collection and Use of Data

The user of this website is not necessarily required to provide their personal information, personal information may however, be required in response to job advertisements, by the submission of CVs. All personal data will be used for the purpose for which it was provided.

Sharing Data with Third Parties

All persona data will not be shared with non affiliated third parties, unless authorized by the data provider. However, personal data may be disclosed, when compelled to do so by regulation, law enforcement and other government agencies.

Access to Information

The right to access to information provided by the user is unrestricted; however the user is advised to contact us, in the event that they desire to provide an updated version of the information provided.


XL is committed to ensuring that any information posted on our website is safe through operational and technological procedure. All such personal information is treated professionally by our staff and third parties who may have access to information on a need to know basis.

Mobile Apps

XL currently has two Mobile Apps. These Apps are used to help run her Logistics business with the infusion of Technology.

(a) XL Express (User): This App can be used by individuals to make request(s) for a rider to help them dispatch items to different destinations.

(b) XL Express (Driver): Users signed up as dispatch riders/drivers use this app to accept requests from individuals who want to dispatch various items from the comfort of their homes.


This app seeks the permission for users to allow background access to the location of the device so that requests can reach riders/drivers within certain perimeter of request source. This information synchronizes with the database in real-time to be able to efficiently serve our customers using the other app.

Other Sites

XL is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any linked websites.


XL reserves the right to make amendment(s) from time to time without notice to the users.


XL is providing this site on an as is basis. It makes no representations and or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents and disclaims all such representations or warranties. The information provided on this website is for general guidance and does not take the place of professional advice. XL shall not be liable for loss of any sort arising from the use, dependence and or reliance, from the use of material posted on its website.

All information and content posted or provided are the property of XL and are protected. All marks, bylines, statements, logos are properties of XL, whether registered or unregistered. The copying, publishing, reproducing, adapting and transmitting of any of the materials of this website, are prohibited, except with the express permission of XL.
